Wedding Week Series: Emergency Kit and Wedding Day bag

Welcome back to my Wedding Week Series! Day four of this fun Wedding Themed week is everything concerning my Bridal Bag for the Big Day and what I am packing and taking with me in my Emergency Kit! Below is a video I put together of packing, an overview of some of the items, and some awkward funny moments caused by fatigue! Enjoy!

Okay you guys, I hope you enjoyed the video I put together of all things Wedding Essentials for my DAY!

The first thing that I got into was my Wedding Day Bag where I showed you what I am packing and then I packed it! As of today, everything but my hairbrush (which I probably will not need) Makeup, and BRIDE T is not packed. (Obviously I am going to need them during this eventful WEDDING WEEK!)

Then I got into what I packed in my Emergency Kit and then you watched me pack that. Again everything except those three items are in the bag and ready to go!

At first I had know idea what to pack, even though it is pretty self explanatory, just overthinking the process I was like WWHHAAA??!! LOL So I Googled what you should pack on your Wedding day and then everything just kind of came to me! There are a few things on the list that I would never have even thought about, but Google and many Wedding Related sites came in CLUTCH!

Thanks so much you guys for tuning into today’s topic of Wedding Week! Come back tomorrow for our 5th and final day! I think you are going to like it!

3 days until we say I DO!

Shayna Gunn-CrossonComment