Things to be grateful for: 2020 Pandemic

  Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone is keeping safe and enjoying the coming weekend. I wanted to end this week on a positive note and give some inspiration for everyone to ponder over the weekend. I am encouraging you to look at what you do have during this difficult time and to not dwell on the things that you cannot do and the things you had to miss out on due to this unfortunate time.

  1. FAMILY! The number one thing that I am grateful to still have during this hard time is my FAMILY! Even though I may not be able to spend time with them the conventional way I am still thankful that I do have them. I have someone to call or text or video chat with. I have that support system that so many others don't. ( I ALSO HAVE AN UPCOMING PROJECT THAT DEALS WITH FAMILY AND BEING ABLE TO KEEP IN TOUCH DURING THIS HARD PERIOD, STAY TUNED FOR THAT)

  2. SHELTER! I have a roof over my head! I have a home that is safe and that I can take SHELTER in whenever I want/need to. I have somewhere to hold all of my belongings and this place keeps me safe from the outside world. It’s the little things that we take for granted just like our homes and our families! So make sure you take care of both!

  3. A JOB! I am fortunate enough to still have a paying job! I am an essential worker, so I am still required to come in to the office Monday-Friday and work the same as usual. I mean of course there are some major changes that have been happening since the start of the virus, but I still come into work and help my customers to the fullest. I am beyond grateful that I am still getting compensation! A lot of people are not getting payed at the moment! A ton of people have been laid off because the business could not stay afloat! I hear a lot of the financial problems that people are having (HENCE I WORK IN A BANK) and it can be really scary! Make sure that you also do not take your job and the money that you are making for granted as well, because some people are not getting anything!

  4. HEALTH! I am extremely grateful that I am HEATHLY! Not to mention that as far as I know all of my close family members are also HEATHLY and have not been exposed or have gotten very sick during this trying time. I have had a few health problems in the near past and knowing this gives me more motivation to stay healthy and treat my body right! Be sure to take precautions and stay as HEALTHY as possible.

  5. FAITH! I have leaned on my FAITH during this situation. These times are unpredictable and scary, so I have leaned on God to help me through the tough times. When it has been crazy busy at work and I don’t think I can take one more second, HE IS THERE! When I am worried about Brandon being out on the front lines as a FIRST RESPONDER, HE IS THERE! When I am lonely, HE IS THERE! I am beyond grateful that I have FAITH to fall on, to go to. I encourage you that no matter your religion, focus on it! Lay all of the things that you are worried about or struggling with to that FAITH! I was in the Hospital a few months ago and I do not have medical insurance. (MORE ON THAT STORY, CHECK OUT MY HOSPITAL EXPERINCE POST) I was struggling with how I was going to pay for all the medical bills that were about to come flooding in! Not to mention worried about how much they were all going to cost! About 3 weeks ago I found out that all of my medical bills are PAYED IN FULL! I applied for a system that helps patients without insurance pay for their medical expenses. I wasn’t expecting to get much, but it turns out I am completely covered! I praised the LORD that day! I was shocked, but mostly grateful!

  These are just the main things in my life that I have to be grateful for! Trust me, there are plenty more! But I want all of you to focus on the good that will and can come out of the situation that we are in! Have an amazing weekend and remember to not take the things that you have for granted because there are plenty of people out there that have nothing.

