Let's Talk about Coronavirus: Sticking Together

  This is a hard subject to talk about because everyone has different opinion's on the situation. The world is going in different directions and just following the path that they think is best. I will not be giving out statistics or talking about the rate of deaths or confirmed cases. This post is to strictly get the word of love and encouragement out and to also help focus on the truth of the matter. Give people peace instead of panic. This is in hopes of bringing our communities together, instead of tearing them apart. I am here to give words of encouragement and just hope.

  I am not one that has been directly in the thick of this crisis. I have not been googling “CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC” because I know all it is going to do is scare me, it could cause panic that is not needed nor welcome. It is also hard to determine what information you read is true facts and not click bate that has over-exaggerated the truth. Of course you need to keep yourself informed and have a knowledge of what is happening around you so that you are prepared for what is to come. I have resorted to searching for specific News Stations that I know are reliable. Checking to make sure a link can be corroborated with the truth if found on Facebook. Just make sure you are getting all of the facts before you make a rash decision. For example, the raid on grocery stores.  I have not stepped foot inside of a grocery store since the panic started. Thankfully Brandon and I had gone shopping the week before so we were pretty much stocked. It is hard to think of people who did not get a chance to get the things that they absolutely needed because many people have decided to be selfish. I think of very close friends of mine who have small children and babies or my Grandparents who are older and do not need to be out or have not heard about all of this craziness therefore realizing that when they get to the store there will be no milk for their cereal. The point is to be generous. If you have the ability to give or help please do. The mass hysteria is not healthy for anyone especially our economy. Think about what the aftermath is going to be like. These times are scary and we do not know what is coming, but that is why it is so important to stick together and show each other as much kindness as possible.

  This time is going to be a true testament to our selves and who we are as people. The precautions that have been set are set for good reason. They are not here to scare, but to prepare you. They are here to keep you safe. That should not be cause for, “WE ARE GOING TO DIE, BILLY GO GRAB TOILET PAPER!” I hope that you can grasp that and understand it and then take action. I know that everything is shutting down and it feels like the end of the world, but that does not mean we can’t go about this in a respectful way. I want to encourage everyone to be faithful. Pray for your community, pray for your state, pray for your country, pray for OUR WORLD! Whatever your religion or beliefs, believe harder and pray stronger. Know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and hold onto hope. God has a plan for his people. This is a time for us to stand strong, united, and rise above. Be Christian to your neighbor's. If you are not able to give monetarily or have perishable's to share, you do have your faith and belief's. Put the word out that you are here to pray for them! I know that a lot of churches have shut down, but most of them have resorted to online services. I am not here to preach at you, but to encourage you to join in or continue to be faithful in your beliefs no matter what they may be.

  If you need a church or a service to listen to for motivation or even just out of curiosity Miracle Baptist Church will be having a service at 11:30 am on Sunday morning through the Facebook page. So please join in! This is my childhood Church so I am biased lol.

  On a lighter note, the memes that have been going around on Facebook and Instagram are most definitely the highlight of this Pandemic. It has kept me laughing and light hearted about the situations! Not that I do not take it seriously (cause I do) but it helps keep spirits up during this hard time. Make the best of this time. If you are self-quarantined spend quality time with your family. Play board games or tell each other spooky stories. I remember during the ice storm when we were stuck in the house with no power and my brother was reading scary stories off of his flip phone. That is one of my favorite memories. Make the most out of this experience!

  Please take precautions, stay safe, stay healthy, and be kind. Love one another and be generous. This is a time of need and sacrifice. Be the better person and do what is right. Continue and start to PRAY (to whoever your god may be) Hold onto hope and each other (NOT LITERALLY THOUGH, 6 FT. APART LOL). I hope everyone has a blessed week and will continue to live even though it feels like life and the world has stopped.
