Baby Girl is moving so much! I can feel her little kicks all the freaking time now it is crazy! Mainly in the evening and at night. Some in the AM. And randomly throughout the day. I really don’t have to concentrate to notice them anymore… they are pretty much noticeable everytime she decides to move! Brandon loves to knucledab her (my stomach) and she always stops moving when a hand is placed on my belly. Like she knows that you are touching her! My cat Shadow had been obsessed with me lately. She is normally a cuddly kitty but she migrates to my abdomen now because she can since baby girl. I think that is like the coolest freaking thing! As far as Symptoms go I haven’t had many this week, at least not ones that stand out. The normal sciatica and round ligament is there, but not bad. Last weeks constipation was intense, but I made it through and have been drinking a ton more water lately. I love water and that is pretty much all I drink, I just always forget to consume it because I am always so busy! Like work I almost never have a second to think so it’s hard to keep track of my water intake. On a good nite I haven’t had a soda in a week! I am super proud of myself and plan on being Soda free until Brandon and I go on it Babymoon in a couple of weeks. Hopefully my self control is stronger than the pregnancy craving! I have always been eating at home more than fast food, which is also a plus. I think that contributed a lot to my sluggish gut last week.
I can say I have definitely popped and I didn’t even notice it! I tried on a blouse for work Monday that I wore 2 weeks ago and it no longer fits! Pants are so uncomfortable, I despise them at the moment. I am returning the so called maternity work pants I bought from Amazon because they do not fit properly, I may try another brand, but haven’t decided yet. Dresses just may be my go to for the rest of the summer! I definitely notice the changes in my body. I can’t ignore that I am pregnant anymore. (not that I wanted to) I love my bump and my growing baby, it is for sure an adjustment from a petite skinny girl to having this protruding belly. Most clothes are uncomfortable and I am so freaking HOT like all of the time. I am learning to love my new pregnancy body, it is going to take time as my belly grows.
Oh my goodness! The nursery is coming along nicely! The dresser, crib, mattress, and 2 out of the 4 shelves are up! I went through everything that we have accumulated for baby C, washed all clothing, bath garments, and blankets/swaddles this week. I feel so accomplished that this is done and I now know what we have and what we need… which is a lot!! I was able to add a ton more items to our Registry, but still have to do research on a couple of things before I add the products and accessories. The Baby showers are starting to be planned and I have finished the guest lists! I thought it would be a good idea to have one for family and one for friends so it isn’t too overwhelming with the amount of people and I will actually be able to enjoy myself. I booked my Maternity photo shoot which I am so freaking excited about! I have this image in my head and really confident the photographer I chose can pull it off! Lastly we booked the hotel for the Babymoon in mid July to Columbia. This week has been all about prepping and planning and checking things off of my list! I am so proud of myself for managing work and getting all that I did this week completed! Definitely something that looked daunting at first, but now I am so excited that it is all set!
Honestly I don’t have much to say about week 23 of Pregnancy, it has been easy going as far as symptoms are concerned. The usual acid reflux at night, some round ligament here and there, and sciatica which only bothers me at night, but still isn’t bad like it was a month ago. I have been struggling to get in and out of bed and off and on my office chair at work, I say this a lot, but I am definitely still getting used to my growing stomach. Unfortunately, this part of Pregnancy is not going to get any easier I can’t believe she is already a pound and can hear me and outside noises! It is so neat that my baby girl can hear me talking to her! And apparently you can hear her heartbeat with a stethoscope, which is also pretty cool! Baby girl is still moving around in there at random times! I caught her on camera once and have tried a few more times, but it is like she knows what I am doing so she stops! Brandon is obsessed with my bump! He knuckle daps her constantly and kisses my stomach. I am really excited to see him actually hold her because he is already so smitten.
Baby C is so freaking spoiled my In-law Grandparents have decided that once a month they are going to buy one big thing off of the registry. This month is the rocker/swing combo from my Amazon registry. I am so grateful for them and baby girl is very loved! We haven’t done much in the nursery this week. I honestly have not had time, but over this past weekend I did stop at Target and get her mirror for over her dresser, now I just have to make Brandon put it up. Unfortunately the shelves my Grandfather was building/built for her turned into ash last Friday night in the blaze his workshop went up in. The situation is very sad, he had so much equipment and memories in that place, but everyone was okay and there home wasn’t touched so there is an upside to the awful event. At this point we are not sure what we are going to be doing as far as replacement. He had the 2 tried shelf already built and was super proud of it, so I am not sure if he wanted to try and rebuild it at this point. I think it is too soon to ask that question.
I am really looking forward to my 24 week appointment on Tuesday of next week, it is so sad because it is my last appointment with my OB who has been with me from the beginning, but I know I will be left in good hands. I am also super excited about going on our BABYMOON next Friday! I am so ready for a vacation!
This week I can definitely tell I am pregnant! I have been sore all over & just weighed down with the belly. Round ligament pain has been super prominent this week! To the point I feel as of she is going to fall out. I did order a belly support band which will hopefully help. All is normal, just definitely feeling pregnant! Pregnancy is definitely weird, last week I was barely getting any sleep, but has a ton of energy. This week I have slept fairly well, but woken up feeling exhausted! Wednesday I don’t even know how I made it through the work day. I came home and took a 3 hour nap, got up to go get a free large fry from McDonald’s, (NATIONAL FRENCH FRY DAY) and watched Big Brother. I think the nap effected my ability to sleep well that night because it took me HOURS to fall asleep! It is becoming increasingly difficult to get comfortable, but it is all worth it… baby girl I am ready for you… 15 more weeks to go! (give or take)
My 24 week appointment was on Tuesday. It was a bittersweet day because not only was it my 1 year anniversary of my first pregnancy loss, but also my last appointment with my doctor before she moves. She was with me during the toughest year of my life as of yet and so grateful for her. As apart of her way of saying goodbye to me she told me that she was very impressed with how informative I am about my Pregnancy and one of her most educated patients. I told her that is just who I am, this baby and pregnancy is very important to me and I just need to know what is going on so I don’t feel lost. I am grateful for her saying these things and that I have very intelligent questions. It definitely made me feel good about my Pregnancy and going into motherhood. My next appointment/ 28 week/ Glucose test will be with the my new doctor, I am super nervous about it because I am not good with liquid and texture. Praying I make it through! As far as my progress as of 24 weeks myself and baby our right on track. My uterus is measuring 3 finger width above my belly button and baby girl is moving around constantly. She kicked the doppler multiple times and we had to move the probe around again at this meeting because she likes to run away and her heartrate was coming in around the low 140's. This made me remember a question I had at my 20 week anatomy scan, but forgot to ask. Do I have an Anterior placenta? Yes, yes I do. My doctor confirmed that for me. I was correct and had this feeling for a long time because baby girls kicks and movements are very subtle and not hard or bulging from my skin. A lot of pregnant woman at this point do see some of these things, but I haven’t so this was a big sign to me. I do feel her at random times throughout the day, mainly at night and in the morning, but I know she is moving a lot throughout the day (the trying to find her with the doppler proves that) I just can’t feel her all the time do to my Anterior placenta. This just means that my placenta is growing in-front of my uterus and not front and center. There is no complication or anything wrong and in my next pregnancy I may not have one. I am very very proud of myself! I have gained 5 pounds since my last appointment! So within the past 4 weeks I have totaled at 118 which is a huge deal for me because in the beginning I was barely gaining a thing. But I definitely have been eating a lot more, the pregnancy hunger is for real!! That was pretty much the extent of the appointment, I did have other questions pertaining to labor and delivery, but I decided to save those for my new doctor considering she will be delivery baby girl.
Sunday we did a lot of work in the nursery! I had my friend come help me hang some wall décor and fold the washed baby clothes. She tried her best to hang baby girls mirror above her dresser, but it was up waaay to high so I had Brandon come in and lower it. I was able to separate her clothes by size and figure out what drawer I wanted what in. This accomplishment is huge for someone with my mindset. I am trying to stay on track and at least check one thing off of the baby to do list a week. I ordered some nursery items off of Amazon and my Family Baby Shower is in just a couple of weeks! I am so excited to hopefully get a bulk of things from my registry, this will help me get the Nursery almost completed and her closet and dresser organized to the way I want it.
I am writing this weeks update early because Brandon and I are leaving for our Babymoon tomorrow! (Friday) I am so ready for a vacation and to spend some alone time with my love with no interruptions.
The Babymoon to Columbia was much needed for myself! After the very hard couple of months I have had at work, a vacation was definitely in order. We had a good time on our one night stay at the Hampton Inn, I enjoyed the pool, but the breakfast definitely could have been better. I introduced Brandon to an Escape room Game that we were very close in escaping from and partook in our Vacation ritual of minnie golf, although we literally almost dies of heatstroke. I vlogged the entire trip so if you want to know more details and join us on the trip, click here for the video!
This week is a major week for me! We made it to VIABILITY! This has been a goal since the beginning. After two losses I feel a tad bit safer knowing that if something goes wrong or we need to get her out she is at the stage of development where she will most likely survive! My belly is GROWING! I feel as if over this past weekend my belly grew in size and I am for sure feeling it. I still have energy and the intense urge of cleaning and organizing. Hello nesting mode! (Although I feel as if I am always in nest mode because I like to keep my house clean and organized for the most part anyway.) Sunday I did not do much, but Monday I half-deep cleaned the master bedroom, reorganized all the drawers and cabinets in the master bathroom and reorganized my closet. On top of that I did all the laundry in our home as well as meet my Family for an hour at chucky Cheese. By the time I got back home I felt as if I was dying! My feet and back were in so much pain, I was HOT, and I felt like I could not catch my breath. I planned on not moving after I sat down but I ended up making a few phone calls concerning the household. Needless to say Monday was a very productive, but exhausting day and I definitely felt it on Tuesday. The round ligament was strong with this one! I was pretty much holding my belly up every time I was up walking. After a good nights rest the second half of the week was pretty easy. My belly support band came in on Wednesday and I am super grateful for that! Also on Wednesday I took a long lunch and participated in my second registered class that are being hosted by the Hospital I will be delivering at. The breastfeeding coarse was very informative and I feel even more prepared and ready for this little gals arrival. Thursday I took a virtual tour of the Maternity Ward at the same Hospital and had the majority of my questions answered. This also has me even more ready for her to be here!
Baby girl has been kicking like crazy lately! I can definitely feel her more often now. In the early morning when I wake up and the late morning when it is close to lunch time and then late in evening and at night. I am so ready for you little love! Brandon put the babies basinet together and is now in its designated space in our bedroom. I unboxed the stroller, carseat, and bases. I am so glad we went with the Chicco Bravo brand! It is the color and style I wanted as well as a good price point. One huge relief about tis week is all the boxes that were pilling up in the Nursery are now gone! Brandon’s Grandparent's came over and we cut them down and put them by the curb. Now there is so much room and it is cleared out with only items that belong in the room.
This weekend my sister and I are taking a day trip to Atlanta to see a play and Sunday I have a baby shower for a friend! The next couple of months are jam packed with things to get done and events to attend, but I am so excited to be reaching my third trimester, we are getting closer and closer to welcoming our little girl into the world!
Two words… ACID REFLUX! This week acid has taken me down! I usually have it most nights and around 11am, but it typically isn’t bad and goes away after an hour or so. Not Tuesday night! The reflux woke me out of my sleep and was so intense that neither sitting or standing would help relieve the burn. This lasted from 10pm until 4am! I have know idea how I made it through work Wednesday. At least I slept really good Sunday and Monday night so I was somewhat rested. The rest of the week I slept pretty on point and the acid was bearable. I have had some round ligament pain, but not much. Usually at night before bed. Trying to move positions or get up has become increasingly difficult and painful. Putting pressure on the pain definitely helps.
We are in the double digits!! Aaaahhh!! I can’t believe that in less than 100 days I will meet my little girl! My first baby shower for family in in 2 weeks and I am so ready! I have been stalking my registry to see what family and friends have purchased for us! Some have even purchased and sent them to our house already! That has been an unexpected blessing. It has helped me prepare for her coming and means less money that Brandon and I have to spend! I haven’t really done anything in the nursery this week. Although we have received packages for the baby, I have been setting them on her dresser until I get ready to do more organizing. I ordered some things from Amazon to help in that process for her dresser, once those come in I will probably switch some things around. For sure after our baby shower I will have a lot more things to work with so organizing will be easier. I have been really wanting to get her closet organizer for sometime now, but work scheduling and weekend activities have made it impossible to find time to go get it, especially since I have to have help because it is too big for me to carry/lift. As far as decor goes, I have the image in my head, but because I still don’t have the shelves I was having made by my grandfathers, it has been harder to finish up some of that. I am also waiting on her name frames for over her crib.
Baby girl has been super active this week! I do have an Anterior placenta which makes it harder for me to feel her movements, but this week it had been pretty constant and more prominent! Like I can for real feel her doing flips in there! I wonder how different it would be of I didn’t have an Anterior placenta, she would probably be hurting me with how much she moves if I could feel everything! One more week and I will be out of my first trimester and into my 3rd! That is so crazy insane to me! Time is flying and I can’t say I am mad about it because I am more than ready to meet her!
I am literally about to be in my 3rd TRIMESTER! I am definitely feeling it for sure. Acid reflux has continued to be a major factor for the most part. After coming home from Tybee Sunday, Brandon had me take some TUMS. For those that do not know I have swallowed pills since the age of 3 because I have a taste and texture issue. With that being said chewable and liquid medications I have never been bale to keep down. My Husband decided to chop up a TUMS tablet and place them in the middle of grapes. I was able to get done two pieces, but I bit into that 3rd and ran to the bathroom gagging. I was miserable, but of course this man thought it was the funniest thing on the planet! Monday I had a minnie breakdown because I was so over it. I wasn’t really in pain, rather just annoyed with having to constantly deal with it for consecutive days. I had purchased some off brand Pepcid from Kroger after making sure it was on the approved medications list from my OBGYN and waiting for the meds to kick in. It took almost 3 hours for my acid to disappear! I don’t know if it is by the grace of God or what, but the rest of the week acid was not much of a thing. I barely noticed it and so grateful I did not have to take anymore medication. If it’s not one thing it’s another right? Wednesday I had horrible round ligament pain and lighting crotch! I have know idea where it came from, but while trying to sleep Tuesday night every time I moved I was in pain in my lower abdomen and lady region! It was not fun! I did a few stretches and exercises while at work and it loosened me up, but the pain was still there. By the late afternoon I felt much better physically. The rest of the week was pretty mild as far as the physical pain goes. Baby girl is super low, so I belive she is putting a ton of pressure on my pelvic bones which definitely could be the cause of the lady region pain. For other symptoms this week there isn’t much! I am growing as always! This week I actually noticed a for real change in my stomach! I took a couple of cute belly photos and I looked back at them and was like WOW! I definitely look like a typical pregnant woman.
My baby shower is literally one week away! I am so excited and can’t wait to see the things we will receive for baby girl! In preparation for this Brandon and I are purchasing her closet organizer from target Friday! This had been on my list to get done for so long! I will now be able to organize the things we receive from the shower much better than I would have without it. Speaking of organizers, my amazon order came in with the drawer dividers and acrylic containers for her dresser. I love them and actually purchased more of the dividers, I needed to make sure that they fit correctly. Now I am able to have her clothes the way I want them.
I cannot belive I only have 12 more weeks (give or take) and I will be holding my baby girl! Brandon and I are both ready and wanting to meet her so very much. In preparation I took my last two classes offered by the Hospital I will be delivering at. The maternity ward tour which answered pretty much all.of my questions about our stay, newborn procedures, and helped my complete my BIRTH PLAN! That is a huge step checked off the list! I also took a Breastfeeding course that I am very grateful for. I now know what to expect going into this part of my life and have an idea of what questions to ask/what to look for as far as help in the process. Brandon and I finally picked out baby gals Pediatrician and I have called to set up a time to meet with her next week as well as being informed on the process of getting her registered after she is born. So many big things have been checked off with it being closer to her day of birth! Monday I will be register at the Hospital because I will finally be in my 3rd TRIMESTER, this is someone I have been wanting to get done forever, but they make you wait until closer to delivery. It feels surreal that I am finally at that point! I also have my Glucose test/28week appointment this coming Thursday with my new doctor. I am looking forward to meeting her and for her to get to know me.