Hosting a Halloween Party…

This past Saturday my Fiance' and I hosted our first Halloween party at our townhome. Thankfully everything worked out, but at first… Well let’s just say I DID NOT WANNA GO WITH THE FLOW! (Brandon) I wanted this party to be different. I wanted it to be like an actual scheduled out planned party with games and all. Which it was… In theory. I had everything together, the games: bobbing for apples, pumpkin bowling, photobooth, bingo, finish the phrase, beer pong, and my favorite of all, the costume contest. Can you guess which ones were actually managed to be played? Everything was going great, but then…. Other things got in the way, for instance, the weather. It was nasty and rainy and wet. The majority of the party was supposed to take place outised. Mostly because I am tired of having to clean my house because of sweaty drunk men, but that is besides the point. So all that week we had been setting up the backyard and it looked amazing, downfall… We NEVER even got to use it! So no more pumkin bowling, bobbing for apples, and no backdrop for the photos because it was soaking wet. (Even though it was just a halloween decorative tablecloth) I was already stressed because I felt like I was doing this all by myself and again I did not want this to be JUST ANOTHER PARTY. I was running behind and I still had to get ready and I also barely had any sleep do to a concert we went to in Atlanta the night prior. Thankfully, due to an accidental nap, I got some shuteye. (Which happened when the party was supposed to begin, but everyone was running behind, so it all worked out)

Due to the weather the party was naturally moved inside. I started to chill out and have fun after everyone started to arrive and of course I got a few drinks in me. Remember when I brought up the games earlier? Well were back to that. Sooo…Brandon and two of his buddies that were already there decided to start beer pong before the other guests arrived (when the party was supposed to start) We also had this lovely drink called HUNCH PUNCH, courtesy of an awesome friend. This they also started drinking. You can imagine how that went. So by the time everyone else arrived, those three were already FEELING it! This is how the games went… We only got to do the costume contest (besides beer pong, which was already unorganized, but that’s normal) but this was a stuggle. The boys had the munchies!! They were all in the kitchen instead of in the living room listening to the rules. So this was a disaster, but we managed to get through it! One game (if you can call it a game) that was not planned, was a silly string fight. Brandon came home (LATE) from the store and had bought silly string for some reason! (MEN) So this transpired later in the night when one guest decided to spray another. Then when brandon accidentally sat on a can he took it as a sign that he was supposed to join. Mind you I TOLD THEM OUTSIDE, no one wants to listen. (of course) My Fiance and a close friend corner my sister and another friend in the guest bathroom where the 2 gals think it is a good idea to hide in the bathtub. Newsflash… It wasn’t! In the end my bathroom looked like a murder scene thanks to pink silly string EVERYWHERE! Unfortunately I do not have any photos. The funniset part is that Brandon knew he was the one cleaning that up when he saw my face. He turned around and said, “ Don’t worry bae I got this!”

Everyone dressed up and we got plenty of pictures without the backdrop, everyone ate and drank and we actually spent time outside in the front yard because the guys apparently like playing football in the rain. An old friend that I haven't seen in forever made it and I loved just getting to hang out so the party was not a loss. A good lesson in this is to let go and what will be will be. No matter how organized you want to be, with a group of drunken people in their twenties, its never going to go to plan. So grab a drink and enjoy the ride because no one is going to care if you had a schedule. They just want to be there with you!

Shayna Gunn-CrossonComment