The Truth About my Health: How I have been doing
Welcome back to the blog! This week I am going to be giving a little info. on how my health has been lately. As most of you know I was in the Hospital for a bowl obstruction the last weekend of January. Thankfully the obstruction was not serious enough to have surgery, but I did have an enema preformed. (DON’T ASK, IT IS DISGUSTING) I stayed over night for observation and went home Sunday morning. Over the past two months I have been switching up my diet as well taking some medication to keep me regular. I have also unexpectedly cut out something that has been a big part of my life since middle school and have felt much healthier. I have also been working out on a regular basis lately. This has kept me more energetic, I can definitely feel the difference in myself, and I am beginning to see a physical change as well. If you have not read my hospital experience, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 are on the home blog page.
The beginning of February I was terrified! I had know idea what my body was doing and how it was going to react. After hearing what the doctors had to say and all of the instructions that were given I realized that throughout my entire life, I have never had a regular bowl movement. This scared me to death because I did not know what to expect and even though I began to use the restroom I did not know what I was looking for. As in I don't know what a regular one looks like. (I know some people think I am STUPID for not knowing what “IT” looks like, but I had never experienced a normal one, soooo sorry) I was terrified to feel the pain that I was in a few weeks prior. It was even worse because I am normally alone most of the time because Brandon’s job is very time consuming. I kept thinking what if it happens again, but this time it is worse! What if I am in so much pain that I cannot move? What if it ruptures? (I WATCH WAAYY TOOO MUCH GREY’S ANATOMY LOL) Ultimately as time past I got past that fear and realized that I have to live my life. The only thing that I can do is follow the doctors instructions and take care of myself.
So in keeping with the doctors orders, I have been eating more fiber and less dairy products that consist of highly cheese foods. The doctor informed me that, I could be the opposite of Lactose and Tolerant. Meaning that instead of it coming straight out, it stops me up. No I have not cut out pizza, that is like my go to meal, but I have tried to eat more soups, salads, and stews. (Pot Roast & Caesar Salads mostly) I was told to steer more towards red sauce than the white, (Alfredo and Marinara) we eat TONS of pasta in my house, it is the staple! So spaghetti, Chicken Parmesan, and baked ziti (with minimal cheese) have been an excellent go too. I have added more fruit into my diet as well. I always have at least one piece with my lunch, either an orange, peaches, grapes, and I have now started trying fruits that I don’t usually eat such as pineapple. I am leaning more towards getting the juice instead of the fruit because the texture is throwing me off, but I have found myself always dipping the piece in the juice and then eating it. I have been replacing really sugary or unhealthy snacks such as chips or ice-cream with Nutri-grain bars, Belvita (bites & bars), fruit, crackers, and pretzels. I have not really cut out any food products completely. I still have a handful of Doritos occasionally, getting fried foods, such as chicken and fries from Zaxby's or Chick-fila, and even a desert. ( I do not have a sweet tooth so I rarely crave ice cream, cookies, cakes, or brownies) I have not made a drastic change in my food diet, instead I have tried to add a lot of healthier options and cut back tremendously on the unhealthy things.
Although when it comes to my drink options, I have made a very drastic change in this area of nourishment. Ever since I was in middle school I had a soda a day. I never skipped a day and sometimes I would have 2 or 3 in one day, which I know is terrible! A few weeks after I got out of the Hospital I found out I had a UTI, that first day I had a coke with my lunch, but I decided not to drink it because I knew that I should not have one while I have this infection. So the next day I struggled with the same decision, but I was STRONG and I staved off my craving. The rest of the week I endured countless headaches because my body was going through caffeine withdrawals. Now it has been an entire month since I have had a soda! I cannot tell you how proud I am of myself and the self control that I have had to stay away from soda. Trust me if you know me, you know how hard this was for me. Of course I still get cravings for it, mostly for dinner or when I sit down with some pizza because that was my drink with pizza. I now only drink (TONS) of water, apple juice, and some tea. I drink tea when I go out to eat, this is my replacement for soda. I drink at least 6 bottles of water a day, to keep myself hydrated and healthy. I mix my Miralax in apple juice that I drink every night after dinner. I occasionally have an alcoholic drink, but for my day to day life these are the liquids I partake.
Not only have I changed up my diet, I have also started a nightly workout routine. I use this app on my phone that focuses on legs, butt, and abs. I have recently added a 10 minute strictly ab workout to my nights as well. If you look at me you are going to be like, why are you doing this? You don't need to loose weight? This is not about loosing weight, it is about making myself healthier. Making myself feel better physically on a day to day basis. Which by the way has helped tremendously. I have more energy and motivation to tackle the days. ( I do not do this workout in the morning because I am not a morning person, so I sleep in as long as possible!) Another particularly good reason why I am focusing mainly on abs is because of my Wedding dress. My beautiful white dress is very flattering and shows off all of my curves and accents, but it also shows off the pooch that I have been slowly gaining since I left my physical demanding job. I do not want my wedding pictures coming out looking like I'm pregnant or bloated or just have a pot belly! NAH… NOPE… NOT HAPPENING! This week I was able to go pick up my Wedding dress!!!!! I tried it on for the first time since I had picked it out in November. When I tell you I could see a difference, I could see that change! (Not to mention that I was already a little bloated because I was on my cycle) I was so proud and was excited to get home and do my work out for that night!
I feel so much healthier and better these days than I have in a while. I just wish I would not have had to end up in the hospital for me to realize I needed to make a change. I still take my Miralax every night and I take stool softeners twice a week and I have never felt better. If anyone is having any similar issues I hope the regimen that I am following could possibly help you and what you are going through. Have a great week!