Sweating for the Wedding: Miss to Mrs Box #3 Review
Welcome back to my Wedding page! In April I received my 3rd Wedding Subscription Box from Miss to Mrs! I absolutely love this box, I think it has become one of my favorite! It is the Sweating for the Wedding box and lately I have been really into Physical health and working out so this box was a perfect fit! Today I am going to be giving an individual review on the pieces that I received in this box, I will be sharing my favorite things about each item and how I used them!
Obviously my all time favorite item that I received in the box is the SWEATING FOR THE WEDDING TANK TOP!! This beauty fits perfectly and it is oh so comfy! I have worn this tank a couple of times since receiving it and not only do I love the fabric, I LOVE the fact that it is all about WEDDING and I can just go show off whenever I am on a run or just exercising! PERKS of being a BRIDE!
The next item that I have used the most would be the “DO NOT FORGET TO DRINK YOUR WATER” TUMBLR! I am definitely here for the helpful way the bottle makes up a timeline for when you need to drink your water throughout the day! Most of you may know that I am doing a water challenge at work and this bottle has most definitely been a staple for my water intake. Not to mention the cute “Do Not” “Donut” acronym the tumblr has on the other side!
The RESISTANCE BAND is another one of my favorite items that came in last months subscription. To be completely honest I really had no idea how to use a resistance band, but thankfully google and YouTube has got my back! These two search engines helped me to decide the best exercise routine to use with the specific band that I have received. I have definitely been using this band in help with leg work outs, such as squats. Something that I did not realize this band helps ME with, is balance during specific exercises. I also usually never stretched before I worked out, instead I just jumped into it, but this past weekend I did an entire stretch routine with my resistance band and I am captivated by how well this band works. Definitely something that I am grateful for receiving because I never would have thought to get one on my own.
The “GET FIT STAY FIT” MEALS AND WORKOUT PLANNER has definitely come in handy! I am a very organized person, or at least I try to be and this wonderful book has been a big help in those regards. I do not necessarily keep tract of my meals, but I do keep tract of what exercises and when I am doing them. For example when I go for a run or I use my app or I use the 10 minute ab workout on YouTube. The only part that could get confusing would be the fact that there are a million and one lines that separate every little section. For some of these columns I will not be utilizing, at least for now. Other than that, this beauty is a keeper!
The SPORTS HEADBAND is something that I have only wore once and that is because while I was running it slipped off of my head. Yes, I still have it and will for sure be wearing it again to help keep my hair out of my face. This soft pink band will be strictly for body workouts that I choose to do in my home or at the gym. I am reserving it for those purposes because I do not want it to fly away and I loose it lol. My head is probably too small for it to stay on good enough for that kind of exercise.
Next we have the “COOLING TOWEL” This fabric looks like a scarf that you can put around your neck while your working out or just set it to the side to wipe yourself down after a crazy routine and your covered in sweat. Whenever I picture someone utilizing one of the towels they are always on some sort of work out contraption, which I do not own nor do I have access to one currently. To be honest I do not sweat a ton so I have never actually used a towel to wipe down with. I will for sure use this soft blue one that I received because it is a lot softer than a regular towel and it is long like a scarf so it is easier to have hanging around your body or if you need it draped over something. And of course the motivational words on the end!
Last but not least we have the “SPORTS WRIST WALLET” this small pink cuff I have only used once. It definitely gets the job done by holding your keys or maybe a Chapstick. This band felt a little weird around my arm at first because I had never used one before, but it did grow on me. I do like the fact that if I am not wearing exercise pants or shorts with sturdy pockets I have this little arm pocket to hold my keys instead of having them hooked to my necklace and bouncing around in my face while I am running. That is for sure my favorite part of this arm wallet.
That concludes the list and review of items I received in my SWAETING FOR THE WEDDING MISS TO MRS BOX in April. I really hoped you enjoyed and maybe that gives you some insight into the items that if you sign up, you might very well be receiving! These are all good quality workout items that pretty much all have some kind of inspirational saying on them! Thank you guys and gals for tuning in!
Use code BOX30 for 30% your first box!