Happy 2 Year Anniversary!
Dear Brandon,
I am so sorry for being a terrible Fiancé and forgetting to go out and get you a proper card. I want you to know how grateful I am to be called yours. Yes, we have our problems, but what couple doesn’t? Thank you so much for being the man that I need you to be. You have shown me so much love and care the past 2 years. Every time I think of you my heart and face smiles. I cannot wait to be called your wife and walk down the aisle to see your handsome face waiting for me. A year from today we will be seeing each other for the first time as Husband and Wife. I can’t tell you how long I have been waiting for that moment. It took me a little while to warm up to you, as you know, but once I let my past go and focused on my future, you became my everything. Once I stopped taking you for granted and accepted the love you had to offer me I became a better person. Someone with more life and experience and a motivation to do more, to be more. Thank you for all that you do for me and all that you will continue to do for me and our relationship to come. Forever is just around the corner, I am proud to say I will be spending it with you. I WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL THE DAY AFTER FOREVER!!
October 15, 2017 – to the day after forever
Love your Fiancé & Forever & so much more