Weekend Vibes: My Hospital Experience
Some of you may know, but I spent some time in the Hospital this past weekend. This was my first time ever having an IV put in & my first overnight stay as a patient at a Hospital. For my first experince, I don’t think it could have really gone any better. Besides all of the pain I was in obviously.
BACK STORY: So posting this is definitely embarrassing, but it is normal and a lot of people have these issues. Ever since I was little I have had some digestive and gastrointestinal issues. I am not sure if it is genetic or not, but these issues do run in my family. Unfortunately I got stuck with it lol. I grew up on Miralax, Mag. Citrate, mineral oil, you name it, I took it! As I got older the problems started to get better and by the time I was 13 it was pretty much fixed and I no longer took any kind of medication that helped in that department. Sometime in 2019 these issues began to start back up again and in November they became worse. But if you know me, you know I am very stubborn and did not feel like paying an arm and a leg to get checked out. I do not have Medical insurance because I never went to the doc. On a regular basis and never had any health problems besides this one. So I did not want to pay for it. Most of what happened is my fault because I did not take initiative to fix the problem, I just hoped it would work itself out like in the past. I did take some laxatives in the past couple of months and began to add more fruit to my diet, but never thought it would get this serious.
I woke up around 6am Saturday, January 25th in excrutiating pain. I felt nausea waves and my stomach was cramping like no other! I went to the bathroom thinking that I just need to go (you know) well nothing happened. I sat there for a while & the nausea was getting worse and worse. I leaned my head on the cold counter but it still would not go down. Eventually I leaned over the sink and vomited the contents of my stomach which BTW was a little bit of water and mucus. I hadn’t eaten anything since 8 the night before so my stomach was pretty much empty. I felt somewhat better after that, the nausea subsided but my stomach was like pins and needles stabbing me at full force. I crawled up in a ball in my bed and put my heating pad on in hopes that it would ease some of the pain. It lasted for about 5 minutes, I sat straight up and clenched my fists on my bed spread. Suddenly the nausea was back and it was worse. I did not throw up this time, thankfully. I texted Brandon and told him what was happening (He was at work at this time) he told me to go to the doctor and stop being stubborn. I proceeded to call my mom to come & pick me up and take me to urgent care because I did not trust myself to drive. About 45 min. Later she got to my house and I struggled to even move. I was so weak and in so much pain that I could not move. I struggled to put my pants on and by the time we were about to walk out the door I started saying, “ I can’t, I can’t” and dry heaved into a walmart bag because my stomach was empty.
We got to Perfect Health on Washington rd where I threw up again and had an X-ray done to determine if I had an ubstruction. They did this because if they would have given me medicine oraly (what they give to patients about to have a colonoscopy) it would have just added on to the pressure and made the pain worse. The doctor comes back and explains to me that yes he saw a small obstruction that looked like air pockets with some fluid (TMI, ik) he then referred me to the ER to get a CT Scan because this was not going to resolve itself and depending on how bad it was it could have meant surgery. (They also did not have a CT machine) At this point I was on the verge of a breakdown because I was in almost intolerable pain I have no insurance therefore I am thinking How Am I Going To Pay For This!! And A Wedding!! He then gave me a shot in my butt to help with the nausea!! THIS DID NOT HELP! IT MADE IT WORSE!
By the time my mom and I made it to Doctors Hospital I was so grawgy, still nauseas, and weak that I could barely walk or keep my eyes open. I don’t know how I remember what happened within this 30 min. Window. They sat us in the waiting room and I am leaning over the chair because I was so tired and my left butt cheek hurt do to this shot! They call me to a chair near the ER door to the back rooms and they take my blood preasure and ask me a bunch of questions about what was going on. My mother basically told them everything because I was so out of it that I could not even talk. I had to have help walking to the back waiting area where all I could say was, “I think i’m gonna pass out”. They took me back to start an IV where they took some blood for lab work. I barely payed attention to what she was doing because I started puking again! All that was there was just mucous because my stomach was completely empty. Then my mom and the nurse helped me walk back to my seat in the waiting area. At this point I actually started to feel some what better. I was not nauseous anymore and I did not feel like I was gonna pass out anymore, I was just weak and my butt still hurt lol. This time the nurse brought a wheel chair around and wheeled me back to my room where I was put in a hospital gown and was again asked a billion and 1 questions for like the 40th time. (Ik that may sound like I was annoied, but they had to, it was their job and I would rather that than them not know what was going on. This was around the time Brandon got to the hospital. I was feeling a lot better at this point. The problem was not resolved but it was getting there.
At this point I was waiting to have my CT Scan taken and my blood work showed a very high level in my white blood cell count, I was at 20 Thousand when the normal is between 4 to 11 thousand. So I had a pretty bad infection on top of possible surgery!
Check back tomorrow for pt. 2 to see my CT Scan results, how we resolved the issues, and how my first night staying in a hospital turned out!